I teach 4 regular education science classes and one SIOP class. This class is designed for our children who speak very limited english, so much so that it would be impossible for them to be successful in a mainstream science class. I have two jobs in this class. #1- Teach Science. #2- Teach English. To prepare for this, I have taken several classes in TESOL and three summers ago I obtained my teaching license in TESOL. This is my sixth year teaching this class, and I love it. Not only am I seeing improvement in my teaching methods, I am observing the growth of my students as they tackle such subjects as speed vs. velocity, triangulation of earthquakes and genetic heritability all while mastering the english words needed to understand these concepts and the grammar structures necessary for communication.
Click on the following link SIOP for an animoto of my SIOP class from 2009-2010. ENJOY!
This is me with my Bi-Lingual Assistant, Mrs. Selsa Henriquez. I couldn't teach this class without her. She is in her fifth year at P.V. and also has experience as a bi-lingual assistant at Norton Middle School. While fluent in Spanish and English, Mrs. Henriquez works hard to make sure all of our students understand the material presented in class and are working to the best of their abilities. She is an asset to P.V. and I am honored to teach with her.